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    red pagoda 49

    Crassula Capitella Thunb. (Variety 1), more commonly known as the Campfire Plant, is a succulent native to South Africa. It is a low-maintenance plant with thick, waxy leaves in shades of green and red that can offer an interesting accent in any home or garden. This particular variety of Crassula Capitella Thunb. is particularly popular due to its ease of care and attractive foliage which makes it ideal for novice gardeners or those seeking an easy-to-care-for succulent option.


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    red pagoda 49
  • -45%Limited
    Sedum sexangulare 49

    Sedum sexangulare, also known as Tasteless Stonecrop, is a succulent plant native to Europe and parts of Asia. It is an evergreen perennial with glossy, fleshy, green leaves that are arranged in 6-sided rosettes. The flowers are white or yellowish and bloom in summer. Sedum sexangulare is drought-tolerant and can thrive with minimal care. It is an ideal choice for rock gardens or as a low-maintenance ground cover in sunny locations.

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